Tucson Intergroup

What Is Intergroup?

An Intergroup, sometimes called a Community Service Group (CSG) is made up of Group Service Representatives (GSRs) from local meetings and CoDA members from the local Fellowship.

Some things that an Intergroup might do are:

  • Manage finances including the collection of a percentage of money received from the meetings’ 7th tradition donations to use to provide funds for acquiring literature, running social events, and office-type expenses
  • Obtain CoDA Conference Approved literature for purchase by meetings and individuals
  • Develop and maintain a website 
  • Issue resolution between and among meetings
  • Plan and host events and function
  • Help meetings get started by offering things like starter packs of literature, suggestions on signage and advertising of new meetings, and other items as requested

We meet in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

The Tucson CoDA Intergroup (TCI) is defined and our duties are described in the Guidelines below.

A note to Tucson CoDA fellows:

CoDA Group Service Representatives serving intergroup are committed to making sure that anyone suffering from codependency receives the best information we have to offer, be it workshops, literature, or sponsorship.

We hold business meetings to plan CoDA-related workshops and events to help those who are seeking healthy relationships.

Please check out our new Guidelines, Announcements, Events, and In-Person and Zoom meetings on this website.  We hope to see you at one of our TCI meetings!